If you usually end up taking half of your meal home from restaurants,
why not plan ahead and bring a reusable container with you when
you dine out or order take-out food.
When we sit down to eat a meal with others, it elevates a
daily mundane activity into a more enjoyable occasion. We
have a little time to share our thoughts, some conversation,
and the experience of being together.
Tell the managers and/or owners at the stores and restaurants
where you shop that you are making your buying decisions based on
the environmental impact of products and packaging. They value your input and will make their purchases based on your comment
If you like to have a glass of wine, make sure it is less
harmful to you and the environment! Organically grown grapes
are better because they do not have harmful, toxic pesticides
on them or in the soil where they are grown.
We as individuals have enormous power to create change in our lives and community, it just takes trying. Insisting that the
places you shop at recycle to keep your repeat business, shows the real power of the consumer.